Mar Cor Purification
Donor Since: 2012

1. What made Mar Cor first decide to contribute financially to Bridge of Life (BOL)?
Mar Cor has always believed in giving back to the community. BOL has given us an amazing opportunity to support them while they are driving an incredible initiative to save lives that would otherwise be lost. Giving financial support to this cause was a no-brainer for Mar Cor Purification, and we truly appreciate the opportunity.
2. Why do you continue to fund BOL’s work?
Mar Cor is fortunate to partner with BOL. Without this wonderful organization and its superb staff members, we would be unable to make an impact in other countries. BOL has worked incredibly hard to establish foreign clinics and if we want to see the impact continue, our support as well.
3. If you were speaking to a prospective donor, what would you consider the most important information to share about BOL and its work?
It’s ironic how when you stretch out a hand to give, your own hand is filled tenfold. BOL provides a priceless gift to potential donors who choose to accept – the feeling of being a part of something much larger than one’s self. It’s the invaluable sense of accomplishing a task that is truly meaningful!
4. What do you hope BOL is able to accomplish in the upcoming year or two with your continued investment and support?
The Mar Cor team has all the faith in the world that BOL will continue to save lives. They have a tireless team of people who will continue to expand the impact that they have on dialysis patients and their families who otherwise would have lost their lives or their loved ones. I know there are plans in place to open new clinics as well as continue to improve existing ones. BOL is doing a wonderful job of teaching clinic staffs how to sustain themselves and how to continually provide better treatment.
5. Please describe your experience volunteering with BOL on a medical mission to the Philippines.
Elizabeth Firestone: Participating in a BOL trip to the Philippines was a life-changing experience. I was overwhelmed by the lack of medical care and basic necessities that the Filipino people live with daily. Until you see extreme poverty with your own eyes, it’s impossible to imagine. The trip showed me that we are unimaginably blessed to have the healthcare system that we do in United States. Even though they have a fraction of what we do, the individuals we served were incredibly resilient and strong, and we were so happy and thankful for our support . We were showered with appreciation and kindness. I stay in contact with many of the people I met, and I hope to continue to support their efforts!
6. What are a few of the most meaningful experiences you had while on your mission trip?
Elizabeth Firestone: I was inspired by the commitment and hard work of the local clinic workers. One evening while the water system was being checked for deficiencies, we ran into issues with the storage tank and the plumbing not being sufficient to provide the necessary amount of water. It was late in the day and the clinic team literally stayed up the entire night to install a new pump and drill holes through concrete walls. They were exhausted, but they were there bright and early the next morning to show us the work they had completed. They were excited to share their accomplishments and took great pride in the work they had done. Many people living in the Philippines continually fight the pollution and lack of hygiene that we view as a right and take for granted. It was a humbling reminder that it is our responsibility to give every bit of support that we can to those who are less fortunate. Most of the people living in the Philippines have to continually fight the pollution and lack of hygiene that we view as a right and take for granted. We need to be reminded that not everyone has a clean bed to sleep in at night; many of the people we met probably didn’t have one at all.
My hat goes off to the BOL team members and volunteers. The BOL staff and supporters are a rare breed of tenacious individuals who continually fight for other people’s lives, many of whom they will never meet.