Kidney Care Partners

Through its kidney care program, Bridge of Life (BOL) provides lifesaving dialysis to people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who have few or no treatment options by expanding access to safe, effective and affordable kidney care. With assistance from its network of volunteers, financial supporters and partners, BOL provides equipment, start-up supplies, extensive training, and other services to help establish or assist clinics.BOL seeks Kidney Care Partners who can deliver care to underserved communities and who have the infrastructure to become self-sustaining while continuing to provide affordable, safe and effective treatment to their targeted patient population. BOL provides support for:

  • Dialysis Capacity:  Establish dialysis clinics or upgrade existing ones in underserved areas; provides equipment, procedural training, water systems management, and dialysis education
  • Training:  Increase dialysis and kidney care knowledge for clinical and technical staff through training; trainees attend a four-to-six-week extensive training program, empowering them with the skills to provide improved patient treatment and care
  • Follow-Up Missions:  Evaluate equipment installations and performance and ensure staff are able to competently operate machinery, perform procedures and effectively monitor patient treatments and services with the knowledge and skills provided during BOL’s previous mission
  • AV Fistula Surgical Missions:  Improve dialysis treatment by replacing catheter accesses (which are prone to infection and complication) with arteriovenous (AV) fistulas and providing interventional repair or replacement of existing AV fistulas; provide surgical training for local surgeons to further their knowledge of these procedures and follow-up patient care

For more information on BOL’s Kidney Care Partners, please contact
