Overview of Healthcare Needs

In India, The Global Burden of Disease 2015 study ranks chronic kidney disease (CKD) as the eighth leading cause of death in the country. One in every 10 adults in India suffers from CKD, and at any given point, nearly five lakh (100,000) patients are in need of life-long dialysis or transplant, according to Sanjay K. Agarwal, Professor and Head of Nephrology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Many regions in India, especially more rural areas, do not have available dialysis clinics, which can lead to lack of treatment and ultimately death for many of these patients.
Sources: thelancet.com, thehindu.comFor additional information and details on Bridge of Life’s work in India, please contact info@bolteam.org

Kidney Care

Chronic Disease Prevention

- Our Partners
- HBS Trust
- Gaonkar Memorial Dialysis Center
- Holy Cross Hospital